Last year, at church girls camp a story began of Ashley, who is a second-hand mannequin head. In my three years of camp, the head has been a baby belonging to Pansy, a butterfly, and this year a crocodile hunter. Last year
her story began and this is the continuation based on events surrounding girls camp this year.
Book II
Chapter 1
“Did we take a wrong turn?”
Silence answered Ashley.
The light went out suddenly and
darkness swept over the chamber, a darkness blacker than the pupil of a
panther, buried in a bog, in the deepest realm of the jungle on a moonless cloudy
“Phillip?” Ashley struck a match and
saw nothing but the disappearing of a scaled, green tail. “Phillip!!!!” she
shrieked, all the while knowing it was too late; Phillip was a croc-burger. She
had lost him once and she had survived. She could do it again; she would do it
again. If Ashley were anything, she was a survivor, resilient to the worst hand
fate could deal to her.
There was no need to wander along
the dark and meandering passageway. With no gnome to hold her back, Ashley
spread her wings, flew upward, and with her five legs began scaling the walls.
The journey was equally laborious, but Ashley had been through far more
difficult circumstances.
As she made her way, she wept
bitterly, not bothering to hold back the racking sobs that resonated off the
arched walls. There was no one to hear her; no reason to subdue her emotions.
Time has a strange way of passing;
at times rushing through so that one can’t believe how quickly it passed and
other times dragging on, seemingly filling hours in the minutes that pass.
Though the journey was not long, Ashley’s heart was irreparably broken and eons
seemed to pass as gradually her emotion drained. By the time she emerged from
the twisted and crypt-like tunnels, she felt herself a changed woman.
The circus had moved on, traveling
from town to town, but in their haste, one of the funhouse mirrors had not been
packed. It was in this mirror Ashley first caught her reflection.

Gone were the pink locks, the color
having drained with the tears Ashley shed. The wings that had carried her
through so many adventures had been absorbed into a body she no longer
recognized. Her remaining five limbs had morphed into just four, complete with opposable
thumbs. “I’m human,” she gasped. Baby-blue eyes gaped back at her. Again she
spoke, her voice barely above that of a whisper, “I’m beautiful.”
This knowledge revived her
ambition. She was alone. The love of her life, her soul mate had been slain,
eaten by a vicious crocodile. What of it? She was unstoppable.
Chapter 2
Looking around, her pale blue eyes
adjusted to the brightness of the light. In the distance, just beyond the lair
of the Beast, she noticed a museum boasting of dinosaurs. In her first days as
a human, it seemed the right place to go. After all, weren’t humans always
digging up the dirt on dinosaurs?
What Ashley had not expected as she
entered the enormous building was to see that the building didn’t merely house
reconstructed fossil skeletons, but actual living, breathing dinosaurs.
“Duke,” called a lovely lady-saur.
“We have company!” Then looking back to Ashley she extended an enormous limb.
“Dinorella,” she introduced herself.
Moments later, a tall, dark and
handsome male dinosaur entered the room. “Sorry, I was just cooking some
breakfast,” he said, wiping his hands on his apron. “You will join us for
breakfast, won’t you?”
breakfast, or as breakfast, Ashley wondered.
“It’s so seldom that we have
visitors as we are thought to be flesh-eating. Dina and I, however are
vegetarian; herbivores to be specifically scientific.”
Ashley studied them both for a
moment, and then, deciding they weren’t a threat, she liked them both
immediately. “Yes,” she answered, “I would love to join you.”
In no time at all, Ashley was
sitting down to eggs, sausage, cheese, hash browns, tortillas, bacon,
watermelon and an enormous stack of steaming-hot Jazz cakes.
“Wait!” Ashley said, throwing her
hands up. “Wait, wait, wait wait, WAIT! I thought you said you are vegetarian? What’s
with the bacon, eggs and sausage?”
Duke gave his wife a look of
adoration. “It’s already dead when we buy it, dear,” said Dinorella. “Our kind
is naturally carnivorous, but we figure if we buy the meat rather than hunt it
and supplement our diet with fruits and vegetables, we aren’t like those of our
kind, those savages. We call ourselves vegetarians.” She smiled at her own
joke, tossing an adoring look at her husband. Ashley suddenly felt s though she
had been taken to the Twilight Zone.
“So Ashley, tell us about
yourself,” prompted Duke.
Ashley pushed around the food on
her plate, hating to think of her past and conjuring up the images that had
been such a source of pain and despair. Finally, she answered. “I began life as
a caterpillar. Soon I transformed into a butterfly and met my one true-love,
Phillip, the gnome. He was taken from me, so I trained as a ninja so I could
defend him and protect him.”
She looked down again, speaking in
a voice that was barely audible. “Last week he was taken from me again and made
holey as a crocodile consumed him.” Quickly she put on her sunglasses, hoping
to hide the tears forming in her eyes.
“Don’t despair, dear,” said
Dinorella, “Women like us can’t afford to desire daintiness. After the duration
of our breakfast delight, we shall dress you for defeating those dreadful,
dastardly, dragon-related crocodiles. It will take a grand design, but I am a
bit of a defender myself.”
Though it hardly seemed words
enough, Ashley responded, “Thank you, dear dinosaurs.”
It took most of the morning, but by
the time Ashley departed the den of the dinosaurs, she had been more defined. A
jaunty cap had been placed upon her head to cover her golden locks. The wide
brim protected her fair skin from the sun and other elements. Thick green
overalls with many pockets for holding essential items covered her from neck to
angle. Her sunglasses had been masked with jaws and teeth, camouflaging her
from being easily recognized and therefore an easy target. The most painful
part of the process had been the fitting for her shoes.
“We’re marketing these to finance
our spending habits. They’re washable, durable, the holes make them breathable,
and in a pinch, they double as clown shoes, promoted Dinorella.
“Please don’t mention anything that
has to do with a circus,” Ashley pleaded.
“I’m sorry.” Dinorella looked at
the shoes she held and then down to Ashley’s feet. Meeting her eyes once more,
she spoke. “Unfortunately, it looks as though as you went through the morphing
process, evolutionarily speaking, your feet didn’t form correctly and we will
have to reshape them to get the shoes on.”
“Reshape them?”
Dinorella nodded, “Mmm-hmm. We’ll
have to grate them.”
“Hush child; it’s the only way.”
Ashley looked at the shoes
Dinorella still held. “And what do you call these shoes that are so necessary to
my transformation?”
“You are sick!” Ashley said.
Chapter 4
“I can’t thank you enough,” Ashley
thanked Duke and Dinorella. “A delicious meal and new clothing. You’ve been
most kind.” Ashley attempted to stand, but having grated feet was most
uncomfortable. “MEDIC!!!” she shouted.
Within seconds her feet had been
wrapped and bandaged. Though still quite painful, she managed to stand and
carefully wend her way out the door.
Scarcely had she taken more than
3.33 steps than darkness swept over her. Though she thrashed and kicked
violently using her best ninja skills, she was unable to escape the canvas bag.
“You’re wasting your time,” a surly
voice said.
“Who are you?”
“We cannot identify ourselves to
“What if I guess?”
There was a murmur of discussion.
“Agreed,” answered the voice.
Ashley sniffed the bag. “You smell
swampy, like you are from the wetlands ward.”
“You are correct.”
“Are you newts?”
“Unfortunately, no.”
Ashley closed her eyes to focus.
They were from the swamps, were snarky, and . . . smelled of Phillips cologne.
“You are that notorious band of crocodiles!”
“With pleasure. What may we do for
“You may die, cut into a thousand
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Hardly
complimentary, but why ensue venom on me?”
“You killed my love.”
“It’s possible; we kill a lot of
people. Who was this love of yours? Another human; rich, arrogant, scabby?”
“No, he was a gnome; small and perfect with eyes like the olives straight from the can. In a dark cavern your congregation attacked. Everyone knows that your notorious band leaves no survivors."
"We can't afford to make exceptions. Once word leaks out that a croc's gone soft it's nothing but work, work, work!"
"You mock my pain!”
“Life is pain, Ashley. Anyone who
says differently is selling something.”
“Like Crocs?”
“Excuse me?”
“I saw this whole infomercial on
these holey croc shoes.”
There was a pause before the crock
responded. “Never heard of them; are they made of actual crocodiles?”
“I don’t know.”
“C’mon boys, let’s haul her away
for questioning.”
“You’re inviting trouble,” Ashley
lied. “My loved ones will follow me to your lair.”
“You’re right,” agreed the leader.
“We’d best leave a ransomed note.”
Ashley listened as pen scratched
against paper. “Hey boss,” said a new voice. “I know we’re leaving a note and
all, but what if the wind picks up, blows our note into the fire and it is
consumed before anyone reads it?”
“Put a rock on it.”
“But what if the rock soils the
paper and our message is no longer legible?”
“Pick a clean rock.”
“But what if it rains and the paper
gets wet, then the wind picks up and tears away part of the note.”
Sighing heavily, the Croc who
seemed to be in charge responded, “Put it under the covering. C’mon Jaws,
you’re wasting valuable time.”
Harshly, Ashley was piled into
something recognizable only by the way it bounced unsteadily and jostled over
the uneven terrain. Suddenly a semi-webbed, clawed appendage reached inside the
sack, covering Ashley’s face with a rank smelling cloth. Despite her intuition,
which told her to do otherwise, she drew a deep breath, saw a moment of blurred
reality, and then knew no more.
Chapter 5
When Ashley awoke she could scarcely
move. Looking to her left and right, she noted that her limbs and torso were
covered in thick, oozy mud. “What is this place?” she whispered.
Struggling to right herself, she
pulled her body to a sitting position. At present, there was only a crocodile guarding
her. If she could only work her left arm free. . .
Concentrating all of her effort
onto her left limb, she was able to move it a fraction of an inch at a time, at
last removing it from the mud with a sucking squelching noise. The sound was
enough to awaken the sleeping croc, but it was too late. Ashley’s left hook was
lethal. In one blow she broke the jaw of the converging crocodile.
He tried to call for help, but with
no upper jaw, how could the words be formulated?
“You were warned when you abducted
me," Ashley hissed. “You’ve brought this on yourself.”
At that moment, a second crocodile
entered the confines of the swampy room. Glancing first at the broken crocodile
and then to Ashley, it only took a moment for him to put together what had
happened. Ashley prepared to fight, stretching the fingers of her left hand.
“Drop your weapon,” the second croc
Measuring his stance, Ashley slowly
lowered her fist.
“This came today.” He held up an
unopened can of Spaghettios. “You’re free to go.”
“Just like that?”
“Food was what Rocky specified in
the ransom note. The terms have been met.”
A noise to her right startled Ashley.
“You are no longer in charge, Rocky,” the second Croc said.
The only response was a slight
whimper. Looking back to Ashley, the second crocodile said, “Where are my
manners? I’m Cornelius.”
“Ashley,” she answered hesitantly,
still not trusting him.
“Will you take me with you?”
“What?” Ashley might have expected
many things, but this was not one of them.
“I owe you,” Cornelius continued.
“You took on Rocky. I hated that guy. Not an ounce of brains, but his brawn
kept him in control.”
“Is that all?”
Cornelius shook his head and took a
step closer. “No,” he answered refusing to meet Ashley’s gaze. “I ate Phillip.”
“What??” gasped Ashley.
“A crocs gotta do what a crocs
gotta do. I was famished and he was available.”
“How can I trust you after knowing
“I did not know he was the pet of
my future defender.”
“Pet?!” Ashley repeated. “That
gnome was my world. I loved him more deeply than a killer such as yourself
could ever dream.”
“Don’t,” said Cornelius harshly.
“You know not of what you speak.”
Ashley studied his face, which
remained impassive. Only his eyes gave him away, revealing the depth of the
pain within his soul. “Then perhaps you should tell me.”
Cornelius hesitated.
“It will help me to trust you. We
can bond over shared experiences.”
“Are you always so conversational?”
Ashley shook her head. “No, but you
did eat the man I loved, after all.”
Cornelius looked down. “Her name is
Iris. I’ve loved her since we were children, but never had a chance.”
“What do I have to offer her? Until
today I’ve never been the leader of our congregation; always second in command.
Avocado and Crocamole are soft and warm while I’m cold and unfeeling. What do I
have to offer her?” He asked again, struggling to keep the dejection from his
voice as it broke mid-sentence.
Ashley looked over to where death
had silenced Rocky.
“I’ll throw him away,” offered
Cornelius. “He always wanted to be our dentist, but I’ll be honest. It’s sort
of creepy to have such a stubby-legged, short-bodied crocodile with acrylic
claws reaching inside your mouth.”
Ashley nodded, pretending to
understand. “Wait, wait, wait, wait, WAIT. I just have one question.”
Chapter 6
“What is your question?” pondered Cornelius.
“Can I make him into a purse?”
“With my blessing,” Cornelius
replied, handing her a knife.
Quickly and agilely, Ashley
stripped the skin from the crocodile dentist and fashioned a handbag. “It seems
a waste to throw away the rest,” she lamented.
“Yes,” agreed Cornelius, “but we
can’t have a camp fire and it might make you ill to eat uncooked meat.”
Grabbing her new purse, Ashley led
the way out of the swamps. Around the perimeter, strange footprints marked the
ground. “Who made those?”
“Bigfoot. . .if you believe in that
kind of thing.”
Suddenly, the ground gave way and
Ashley plummeted to the earth, gravel becoming embedded in her soft, smooth
skin. It took only a moment for her to right herself. “Jump, Cornelius. I’ll
catch you.”
Before he could make the leap,
Ashley was once again whisked away, this time by unknown forces. In a most
outrageous manner, she was strung up a on a flag pole where the icy night winds
tore at her already scraped and pierced tender flesh. Tears wouldn’t save her, Cornelius
couldn’t save her, to what end was she destined?
Dawn broke and she found herself
stuffed into a trash can, buried in mixed refuse, scarcely able to respire. Only fitting, she thought. After all,
hadn’t that been the way she had disposed of the crocodile dentist? Was she any
better than he? No, she thought as
breakfast leftovers oozed down over her head. That she should drown in this filth, unable to move was only justice.
The knowledge of its rightness did not ease the sadness brought by meeting
death head on. Perhaps Phillip and I will
soon be reunited, she thought. It was the only consolation she could cling
to in this moment; the last moments of her life.
Unable to hold her breath any
longer, she inhaled, filling her lungs with pancake batter, moistened cereal
chunks, and milk. Coughing violently, she retched creating more debris inside
the trash bin. Her mind began to swirl, her vision blurred and she imagined a
strong hand grasping her by the ankle and pulling her out of mortal peril.
Sputtering and gasping, Ashley
again drew a breath. Could it be? Had she, the
caterpillar-butterfly-human-ninja actually been rescued. Smoothing her hair
away from her face and wiping the curdled milk from her eyes, she blinked.
Standing in front of her was a young man, about her own age. His curly hair artfully
framed his round cherubic features and kind eyes met her.
“You. . .you saved my life.”
He smiled warmly.
“Who are you?”
“My name is Tiko.”
“Yes. My father was a hobbit and my
mother a sorceress. Naturally I have no place inside the shire, so I wander. I
am as nomadic as they come and am frequently mistaken for Bigfoot. The hair
comes from my hobbit father’s side and the size of my feet; well, let’s just
say my mother knew a few tricks to get hers down to a size 8. I saw your legs
protruding from the trash can and. . . . I couldn’t help but intervene. I’ve
never known a woman with such fashionable shoes.”
“They’re Crocs,” Ashley supplied.
Tiko held out his hand to help
Ashley to her feet. “And you are?”
“Ashley,” she smiled. “I can’t tell
you how nice it is to meet you.”